MALWARE & VIRUS REMOVALIs your Laptop or PC infected with Malware, Spyware or Virus?Viruses, spyware, malware can all cause havoc to computer users. They can pose all sorts of problems for people, from a major annoyance, to file loss and identity theft. Our technical experts will examine your PC or Laptop carefully using special scanning software and remove any viruses, malware and spyware so that your system can operate correctly and operate like brand new.
Once the programs have been removed we will then recommend the best antivirus security software for your needs to ensure you are adequately protected in the future, and advise you on any further action that may be required. Need help removing viruses? Call us today on: |
Are strange pop-up messages appearing and you don't know why?
If yes, there’s high chance your computer or laptop must have been hit by a virus or malware. Most viruses are just annoying - they slow down your system, your system starts behaving erratically or crashes. Here at TCR Computers our Virus removal services simply reboot your system to get rid of those dangerous viruses.